Do we come to site when we work for you, or do we only work remotely?

Do we come to site when we work for you, or do we only work remotely?

We get asked this question a lot when we’re first talking with prospective clients.

Frankly, the question was a surprise at first. The thought of commissioning software without visiting site at all was not one that really crossed my mind.

The reason for the question turned out to be very interesting; on the whole people really did not like it when programmers would do everything remotely. It would put a lot of demands on their resources and, sometimes, they felt that issues were not resolved efficiently.

Infrared remote control tester

Infrared remote control tester

Today, I want to tell you about a remarkably useful tool that I always make sure I have in my commissioning equipment and that is an infrared remote control tester.

I can hear you saying it now "everything is IP these days, why do we need to test IR?".  Fair comment, however, there are still a lot of devices that are IR controlled either because that is the only option or because the IP control is not as reliable as needed.